7 juli 2007

Neptune's Seventh Scene

I have planet neptune in the 7th house of my horoscope circle. This house implies what we look for in other people, in relationship to them, and how we expect our own role to deal with the rest of the world, mostly in case of personal partnerships.

What this means can maybe be captured a bit by "NEPTUNE and the quest for redemption", an astrological book by Liz Greene (1996):

"Confusion is an appropriate word to describe the paradoxical feelings Neptune in the 7th reflects in relationship. The confusion springs from the individual's unconscious quest for redemption through and by others."
"Perceiving others through the lens of Neptune's longing is an ambigious gift. It can reflect remarkable sensitivity to the pulse of the world "out there", as well as to those individuals with whom one comes in close contact. Such responsiveness can be expressed in many creative and healing ways. But Neptune's suffering through others, when placed in the 7th, is largely self-created. It arises from a mixture of idealised fantasies, infantile needs, and the nature of the people whom one calls upon to participate in one's drama."
"Behind the noble salvation of other lost souls lies a hungry child, who wants nothing less than everything from a partner, yet who may be unwilling to face the enormity of such needs, nor the despair of not having them met. Help may lie in a stronger relationship with Saturn, whose realism can reveal one's own manipulative ploys as well as providing the self-sufficiency necessary to find Eden somewhere other than in one's partner."
"Neptune in the 7th may be addicted to the pursuit of the unobtainable, for the glamour and elusiveness of what we cannot have promises endless possibilities of salvation. Once we have established a flesh-and-blood relationship, Neptune cannot sustain its idealisations. This dynamic often lies behind the propensity to select the beloved from the ranks of the already married or the sexually disinclined, or even from the ranks of the priesthood."
"Neptune is never content with prosaic interaction. The glory of the theatre must infuse life, for all the world is a stage and Neptune in the 7th is the chief actor. No solution will be found by suppressing Neptune's longing, for it will merely enter through the back door, and appear in one's partner or in an ungreatful public who have turned against their idol. Perhaps the secret lies in allowing others to be both mythic and human at the same time."
"Neptune in the 7th depends upon others to unfold its story, for we require our mirrors to be literal. All of the characters in Neptune's drama - devouring oceanic mother, devine redeemer, and suffering victim - are usually projected, at one time or another during the course of life."
"With Neptune in the 7th, we need to experience its longings, aspirations and magic through others. Perhaps we also need Neptunian people around us. Attraction to those of an artistic or mystical persuasion may not be the same as attraction to the psychological infant who mirrors our own infantility. As our own internal balance grows, our attractions change, although the arcetypical core remains the same."


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