6 maj 2007

vi lägger alltjämt pussel

ur Ernest Woods teosofiska skrift "The Seven Rays" (1925)


"....... a child playing with picture-blocks. It has a box containing about twenty cubical blocks of wood, and on each side of each block there is a square piece of a picture. The child puts its blocks on the table or the floor, and turns them about and re-arranges them side by side until all the right pieces have been put together so as to show one picture. Then he mixes them up again and arranges them with another side uppermost, so as to form another picture. He might think that he had made those pictures, but it is not so; there was first an artist and all that the child did was to put the things together so that the picture made by the artist should appear. So when the oxygen and hydrogen are put together does the water appear, and nothing has been added to or taken away from reality. And the same is true of everything, so that all human production and invention follows the same law. "

jAG lägger pussel med kamrater Tommy o Patrik + Pappa som publik

" It is well known that we perceive things by comparison. Put a dog and a cat together and study their resemblances and differences, and you will afterwards know what a dog is, or what a cat is, better than if you had studied it alone. Again, the best thinker on any subject is the man who has already the most ideas to compare with it, provided those ideas have been well adjusted and are clear and well arranged in his mind. All thinking is really abstract; the mind cannot hold two ideas at once, but it may hold one which includes two or more, in which they are but parts of the greater whole. "


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