23 oktober 2007

FATTA ETT MOD {{Lover-King's Magic War}}


"Courage is not bravery and it's not fearless.
It's simply "do the right thing".
If you were to do the right thing - what is that?
answer:]....... A DECISION. That's all it is. .......
You don't need to borrow courage from anyone.
It's simply a decision."

Dr. Paul Dobransky
via DeAngelo's lecture "Deep Inner Game"

And here from doctorpaul.net
[For testing click Tools, then KWML about the four temperaments]
My result:

"Look out, Michelangelo--You are predominately a Lover!

You also possess aspects of the King/Queen, Magician, and Warrior personalities and your complete personality profile can be described as 46.2% Lover, 30.8% King/Queen, 15.4% Magician, and 7.7% Warrior.*
You represent the artists and nurturers of society--the romantics, the insightful poets and writers, the musicians and painters, the fools who make us laugh with joy--and your gifts of art and mystery resonate powerfully."

My comment:
If you know his system you realize your type grabs more than social personality, is an innate temperament, in an almost archetypic, jungian sense. But from there, your goal would be to learn to integrate the other types within you (and without you) with your ruling preoccupation. Even if I seldom look for her (at the other side of the circle) my ideal help would be interacting with a physical, sharply focused Warrior-woman, who also possesses much of the theatral, travelling, out-there-curious Magician. Even if she should be into the arts, I have to realize I'm not in need of meeting myself, one more introspective, narcissistic Lover of the whole universe, another walking dream with King/Queen-tendencies to stay in his/her castle and help potential pupils by planning and analyzing life from a distance. But in the ground I will of course not stop doing my indoor researching poetry - just be better. The battlefield has never seem so far and so close as now.


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