14 juni 2008

We All Don't See a Yellow Lucy-Sky

from my answers to virtual friend Lucie:

I don't really know anything about synesthesia either. But I guess the answer to your question depends on the process.
Do you sit down and reflect which animal best captures which friend(?) - then it should be a conscious, potentially rational choice.
But if you already find yourself relating a special animal to the person, maybe even the first time you meet him/her(?) - then it could be real synesthesia.

I would like to know if syn. should be seen as a compulsive behavior or as a creative tool (??).
I see great values in "learning to develope this talent" of experiencing inter-relations between different parts of reality, for those who don't already have it /do it.

And the best I think would be if it IS "just you" who controls the process, but still be open to the possibility that our choice of symbols/patterns tells more about our "inherited" collective unconscious (see CG Jung) than we first realize.


OK, seems like you really have it :-)

I'm corious though about the "not controllable"-aspect: Have you ever tried to imagine Lucy in the Pepper as yellow or green instead of purple-blue?!?

I'm quite sure that if you do this or any other new "meditation" many times, at last you will naturally see the music as yellow-green, every time.

And I beleive my own synesthetic tendencies are very much still living "ghosts" of how I experienced phenomenons during my childhood (or in another life), while trying to make sides of universe more in line with my personal understanding.

p.s. Which animal may I be? :-)


Maybe makes sense to me...
In the back of your mind I understand. And it seems that you mean "behind my taste" is just another description for that...?

Anyway, I guess the point is the simultaneity, experiencing two parallell phenomenons at the same moment!?
I mean you're hearing an a minor organchord with cellotones around and in the same blink of an eye experience (for example) a yellow walrus travelling backwards in space - right? :-)
And then every time that passage runs, the same creature tends to turn up - right?

Question here: Does it happen the same even if you completely had forgotten the actual relation, I mean if you've not thought about it since you experienced "the picture" the first time?

In my own case though, I'm not really sure that I'm not constructing the correlation "afterwards". And that's because I think or fantasize very often, which is a more slow process than pure sensing or feeling. And during that process I can create and manifest patterns of wishful relations, just by remembering (for example) a special chord-shift in a song.

Interesting relation to my name! How often do people with same name get NOT the same animals??


Yes, I don't see why you shouldn't make sense :-)
How someone's body appears to you, this is the strongest/first influence. And when it's "empty", instead the name tells you which general animal he is.

I'm curious about if/how your animal-persons relates to other phenomenons. For example: Do they include colours? Different colours for the same animal..?

Are the animals quite realistic or rather fantasy-based??
Myself I sometimes use animals as symbols (may they be personal or inter-subjective). Then a squirrel can be yellow or an octopus possess a lilac moustasche, all depending on what (or even who) I prefer the actual figure to remind me of.

The way of knowing is to be reminded, or to remind oneself...
So there's always some way to know.
Am I making sense? :-)

Yeah, if it resembles the landscapes of the W.M.player, but in a more recurrent way, depending on subjective laws - then it must be a beautiful experience!?!
But does it sometimes distract you from really concentrating on playing the music, understanding the music, feeling THE MUSIC..?


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