13 juli 2008

Sju figurer kring mitt rymdSkepp, part I

Which fantasized figures
from drawn/filmed Series
or written fantasy Stories [sagor]

do I wish to work together with
on/around a rocketship, during discovering Universe.......?:

1:st Astronaut
Captain, Navigator

serie-: Doctor Snuggles

sago-: Snusmumriken (from Mumindalen)

2:nd Astronaut
Actor, Soldier

serie-: Jane (of Tarzan)

sago-: Ronja Rövardotter

3:rd Astronaut
Reporter, Observer

ME, andriAngelus
(maybe in shape of the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry)

4:th Astronaut
Doctor, Companion

serie-: Capitaine Haddock

Don Quijote (or rather his love Dulcinea)

Earth Station (online)
Psychologist, Communicator and Synchronizer

serie-: BAMSE


Earth Station (offline)
Scientist, Creator of Project

serie-: Eremiten Bertil (among Skrot-Nisse's friends)

sago-: Gilbert Norrell (from "Susanna Strange's" novel)

7:th Astronaut
Spy, free Pirate Passenger

serie-: FALO (guest in swedish magazine 91:an)

sago-: Severus Snape (of Potter)

8:th Alien
Enemy or Friend, Foreign Enigma

serie-: the series magazine of tv-series Heroes

sago-: Ingentinget (the Nothingness in Ende's Never Ending Story)


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