12 februari 2010

Pink Elephant Phantoms went Washington West Chicouver Water (L.A.test limericks)


Oklahoma Coma (state of Limerick no 8)

A clown home in old Oklahoma
just stood on the stage in a coma

as their elephant rose
climbed that tight-rope in hose

"O my oma, you see this phantoma?!"

Illinois Toys (state of Limerick no 9)
[including Chicago]

Hot gangster chick from Illinois
she gladly played cards with the boys

as they got four queens
the fifth in her jeans

was not some trick, just a real toy
(she raised not the pot, just her voice)

Wisconsin Wizard (state of Limerick no 11)

This wizard well in Wisconsin
know when to let some respons in

to his world or wise
show a social disguise

We wish we saw how our minds spin

Gone Washington (state of Limerick no 10)

A washer woman from Washington
she crossed whole country to Washington

believed she would find some swedish "sjö"
but "sea" in Seattle meant more than a lake

so Atlantic nor Pacific rhymed with nothing, none

[At least her laundry got clean in the west-coast rain.
Read rather Twilight!]

Over Vancouver (bonus Limerick no 00)

Lost Angels' team up to Vancouver
went surfin' for gold but jumped over

those treetops, skyrode with skies
prepared for landing on sea

like summer games just a bit colder


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