14 mars 2008

Transformation Before Transformation


from Videodrome
(film by canadian Cronenberg):

"It's always painful to remove the cassette
and change the programme...
...You'll use the weapons they've given you to destroy them.


To become the new flesh
you first have to kill the old flesh".

Maybe it wasn't so philsophically meant, but I became inspired to intensify my opinion:

To kill the old flesh
you first have to become the new flesh.

Because Creation cannot be made by killing.
Killing leads only to more killing.
To fight against something is to become deeplier involved with it,
to direct your consciousness to it.
To fight for something
is another thing, a positive process.

True Creation, evolution,
involvs necessarily the "dissapearance" of the older phases,
which there'll be no longer need for,
no longer time for.
Same thing with bad habits,
like frustrating thoughts,
lingering feelings
and physical drug-addiction (it seems):

The only way out is to focus completely on something other,
a new habit,
another potential drug,
less and less dark ones...
yes, things you truly believe is better
and therefore begins to use instead.


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