30 december 2009

psychological 3D picture of my Top 10 Woman


In my earphones tonight DeAngelo told everyone in the audience to make a 3-dimensional picture of The Total 10 Woman that one (= I) want to be with. It will go back to an origin constitution, interweaving three central and maybe conflicting needs in one's life. I made my picture and now see a pattern that every girl I felt really attracted to (for more than a single moment) possess these three (in different proportions). In order of appearance or from what has to come first to almost first:


First of all meaning an immediate, funny, unresponsible, self-centered way of being. Though genuine, full of feelings rather than superficial or calculated. Not too smart, unfinished, but sometimes more conscious than every grown-up human. All in a magical way... On a deeper lever including a will to take imagination and naive believe-power seriously, not just as entertainment. In another sense lacking something, a constant need for what I will give her (or God will give us) in order to grow.


Living a life that is full of exciting experience, potentially bad and potentially good. And doing so much more intense than I ever have dared myself. Could include sexual activity or some social investigation, probably experimenting through art forms. With the risk of being condemned... If the danger is real just for her and her aura, it will be exciting enough to share through communication. But if it's involving me when she pulls my (or let me pull her) strings into the scene - then I'll either flee from her or grow with her.


Whatever she overflows of - let it be creativity, knowledge, body or food - it will have the great possibility to nourish me, and do it constantly, without demands of getting something back. She should have reached the point of using her personal abilities for serving humanity, physically, intellectually or spiritually, however not at all free from emotional desire. And as soon as she not anymore shows childish curiousity for my experience or gifts, neither teen-like tendency for dangerous living rather than boring reason - then I will not feel willing to receive her help, materia or inspiration.


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