11 april 2010

Strålarna de Sju (imaginatören mellan tre o tre)


Idag var det exakt TRE år sedan jag började blogga. Då inspirerad av min kurskamrat Erik Woods initiativ... Månaderna före dess studerade jag "De Sju Strålarna" av teosofen Ernest Wood (=inga påstådda samband). Har repeterat kring strålarna idag.

Sammanstrålningsvis kan man fatta det hela såhär:

1. the man of Will, seeking freedom through mastery of self and environment; the Ruler.

2. the man of Love, seeking unity through sympathy; the Philanthropist.

3. the man of Thought, seeking comprehension through the study of life; the Philosopher.

4. Magician, actor and symbolical artist or Poet.

5. the man of Thought, seeking truth in the world; the Scientist.

6. the man of Love, seeking God as goodness in the world; the Devotees.

7. the man of Will, seeking the beauty that is God in the world; the artist and Craftsman.

Strålarna tycks handla mer om inriktning o motiv än om karaktär o personlighet. Vidare kan man hysa en stråle för typ sin andliga levnadsbana och en för sina konkreta intresseområden. Och om båda strålarna sammanfaller med någon annans respektive båda, då blir man möjligen lätt partners för ett helt liv...

Själv känner jag igen min horisont i det citerade avsnittet här. Åtminstone beskriver mig de allra flesta (som känner mig halvt om halvt) med egenskaper som hemmahör hos "den mittersta strålens imaginatör". Dessutom befinner sig många bland mina bekanta själva där :-)

from THE SEVEN RAYS by Ernest Wood (1925)
about The Fourth Ray Man:

"We have seen that the first and seventh rays have will dominant, that the second and sixth rays have love, and that the third and fifth have thought. The fourth ray man, not having come along any one of these lines, has usually all the three powers of consciousness mingled more or less equally, but none of them as perfect as he would have had it if he had specialized on one of the other lines. The faculty that this balanced condition gives to the mind is imagination, which is a blending of will, love and thought. If a man of this type starts to think out a problem, he is not likely to keep for long to the logical sequence; his feelings will break in upon it, and often the solution will leap into his mind, revealed by the concentration of the will. If, on the other hand, his feelings are roused by something, his logic will also come into operation, and show him perhaps the humour of the situation, perhaps the purpose of the events.


In the earlier stages of his development the man of the fourth ray will show variability and moodiness, sometimes leaning towards the three types of self-reliance (the first three rays) and sometimes towards the three types of devotion (the last three rays)... This causes him much unhappiness, for in the work that he has to do in the world he feels the need of expressing an ideal; and on the other hand any of the ideals to which he may be attracted tend to sear and burn his soul unless he can express them. He is thus the man of the uncomfortable conscience, until he reaches that blessed state of life in which his inner and outer parts have been brought into constant working harmony... blended into one. But when they are blended, there is for him the nearest thing to real happiness that is possible on earth : the interpretation of the inner to the outer and of the outer to the inner is full and constant..."

Känner så väl igen mig själv, såväl som minst en av mina närmaste vänner, i detta ständiga interpreterande!!

Trodde länge jag hade trean som parallell stråle, filosof som jag höll på att bli. Men ofta när det kommer till kritan i konflikter med andra, då hänvisar jag till Love (2 o 6), ja själva UPPLEVELSEN som mitt djupaste motiv, snarare än handling/resultat eller förment analytiskt tänkande. Fast vad man manifesterar i verkliga levnaden är ju ofta en annan sak än vad man idealiserar och hänvisar till ;-) Finns många som är mycket mer medkännande än jag, och som visar det, men också de som sitter fast i hyckleri mycket mer än jag... Redan det att jag jämför såhär tycks vara mer tänkande än kännande. Huruvida den emotionellt hängivna är min natur eller just vad jag saknar och söker skapa - får visa sig...


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