3 september 2013

Mirror of Madness

How/when can a "weak" mind be more healthy than a "strong" mind??

Quote from movie A Matter of Life And Death (Powell & Pressburger -46). The doctor speaks with the doctor:

-...He spends all his time in my library. He only sleeps when I drug him. The boy has a fine mind, but it's taxed. That's the trouble, it's too good a mind. A weak mind isn't strong enough to hurt itself. Stupidity has saved many a man from going mad.
-Yes, you're right there.

-And he's had several talks with his heavenly messenger. ...Here's the intreresting point : He never steps outside the limits of his own imagination. Nothing he invents is entirely fantastic. It's invention, but logical invention."

Besides that the whole movie is the actual masterpiece, I find these words very worth a refletion. But what then in our world and our minds is "entirely fantastic"?


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